In this article, I will uncover the box-shaped wood device I have created to use in my classes. I use it as a tool to engage my students in some kind of History and Geography immersion while looking at modified pictures to enjoy the 3D visual experience. My first thinking was to use this device in class let my students enhance their curiosity and ignite their willingness towards Ancient Egypt.
This model is my first one and I call it the VGM-01. Since last week, I am working in some new features to improve the whole device, so that we could use it to enjoy the real Augmented Reality computer-based, as well (at least that’s my goal).
We use this small device, roughly the size of a pocket-book, to view pictures printed on a paper through the lenses of various cellophane papers. It is box-shaped but it serves the function of a pair of glasses: there you have space where you can put a different piece of cellophane papers in between in order to tint that you are viewing to a certain colour that you desire.
Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR)?
The main goal of this prototype consists in force our eyes to receive the extra details of a real reality object (a modified 2D picture into its anaglyph version). We get the extra information of the modified picture watching through and that modifies the perception of what we are seeing in the same way that some sort of Augmented Reality device might impose something on purpose action. I would say that this device is in the field of AR because modifies, amplifies or, even sometimes, decreases information of our real world, although this “modification” is limited specifically to affecting the colour balance of the pictures that we are seeing.
Why do we put cellophane coloured papers in each hole?
The cellophane coloured papers (red colour in the left eye, and cyan colour in the right eye) filter the colours of the original picture that we are looking at and send different information to our brain. Our brain mixes both packages of information and builds the 3D effect in our mind.
Is there any secret inside?
Play this video and explore it using the left button of your mouse to rotate, and the mouse wheel to access the zoom. Enjoy!
What do our students think about the experience using this device in class?
Very soon you will know the answer.
Stay tuned! 😉
Copyright By: BY-NC-ND
Box-shaped wood glasses by Victor Gomez Macanas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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