大家好!欢迎来到我的网站。我是 Víctor 老师, 我教英文,中文 和 西班牙文。现在我在巴达洛纳 和 巴利拉纳 工作。
Hello Everyone!
Welcome to my website. What can I say about myself? Well, I’m Victor, a teacher of English, Chinese and Spanish. Currently, I teach in Barcelona and Vallirana.
My students and my teaching style
The students I teach range in age from Primary, Secondary and to adults.
我的教学风格比较生动幽默, 我喜欢设计游戏并用在课堂上。
My teaching style is oriented toward practical use, and I like bringing games into the classroom.
In my teaching process, I found it interesting to combine games and textbooks. In these pictures, you can see some of the tools I use in my classroom.
I’ve been working abroad as a teacher for almost five years now. I spent more than a year in Canada. Then I spent nearly four years in China, two years in Hunan, and the rest of the time at two universities in Beijing. These experiences were the beginning of my actual teaching style.
International experience
In China, I provided support for the Cervantes Institute and the Spanish Embassy to organize many cultural activities and teacher training. So, I met many local and international teachers. I organized internship activities in Beijing with many embassies, which successfully enabled my students to grow. Many institutions have recognized the results of my work.
What works for me as a teacher?
我觉得在语言教学中,教师们应该尽可能地尝试各种方法,并找出最适合学生的,同时也是学生们自己喜欢的方法。我们作为老师,应该了解自己的学生,并为他们提供不同的选择,让他们能从不同角度进行学习。当然,学生自己的努力也很重要。这就是为什么我喜欢弹吉他,唱歌, 画画, 设计游戏, 做木工,学其他的语言……所有可以帮助学生们学好语言的活动。
I think that, in language teaching, teachers should try as many different methods as possible. This way, they not only have the opportunity to discover the most suitable techniques for their students, but also the ones that students would like.
As teachers, we should understand our students and provide them with various options so that they can learn from different perspectives.
Of course, students’ own interests are also very important for optimal engagement. That’s why I love to learn new skills to connect with my students. During my time as a teacher, I have also begun the process of learning how to play the guitar, sing, voice acting, pencil drawing, digital painting, design card games, board games, and videogames, do carpentry, and some painting techniques as watercolour, web design, the basics of computer programming, the basics of music composition, digital music production and recording, sculpting basics using clay, learn other languages… and any other new hobbies that help me better connect with my students.
Well, you now know a bit more about me and my teaching style- what do you think? Do you like my site? If you have any ideas or questions, please leave a message below. Thanks for visiting!
Víctor Gómez Macanás
Secondary and Primary school teacher
Col. nº 37225 (Col·legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciats en Filosofia i Lletres i Ciències de Catalunya)