Writing test family members’ characters

Attention: this quiz works better on your PC.

Write your name and surname only when you need to print your results and hand them in for personal assessment.

«Bà», meaning «Dad or Father»

Instructions: Draw two lines following the shadows you will find in the box below.


«Mā», meaning «Mom or mother»

Instructions: Draw two lines following the shadows you will find in the box below.


«Gè», meaning «Elder brother»

Instructions: Draw two lines following the shadows you will find in the box below.


«Jiě», meaning «Elder sister»

Instructions: Draw two lines following the shadows you will find in the box below.


«Dì», meaning «Younger brother»

Instructions: Draw two lines following the shadows you will find in the box below.


«Mèi», meaning «Younger sister»

Instructions: Draw two lines following the shadows you will find in the box below.


«Yé», meaning «Paternal grandfather»

Instructions: Draw two lines following the shadows you will find in the box below.


«Nǎi», meaning «Paternal grandmother»

Instructions: Draw two lines following the shadows you will find in the box below.


«Wài», meaning «Exterior, foreign, outside»

Instructions: Draw two lines following the shadows you will find in the box below.


«Gōng», meaning «public, male.»

Instructions: Draw two lines following the shadows you will find in the box below.


«Pó», meaning «old lady»

Instructions: Draw two lines following the shadows you will find in the box below.