Writing 2020

Exam of the year 2020. 4 options are available:

Option A. Write an opinion essay on the importance of learning foreign languages.

Option B. Write an essay on the advantages and disadvantages of moving to another country.

Option C. Write an opinion essay on the environmental problems you consider most important and what can we do to reduce or to eradicate them.

Option D. Write an informal letter to your boyfriend or girlfriend telling him or her that you want to break up your relationship. Give him/her the reasons why but make clear that’s not because there’s someone else.

Option A. Write an opinion essay on the importance of learning foreign languages.

Learning a foreign language is a valuable and rewarding experience that offers numerous benefits and opportunities: from broadening cultural understanding to the enhancement of a person’s professional and academic advantages, and even personal growth.

Firstly, speaking another language opens up a whole new world of culture, history, and relationships. It allows you to communicate with people from different backgrounds, understand their perspectives, and appreciate their way of life. This not only amplifies (broadens) your horizons but also helps to foster greater cultural comprehension (appreciation/ understanding) and respect.

Secondly, being bilingual or multilingual is a valuable skill in today’s globalized world. It can improve your employment prospects and increase your earning potential. Many employers are seeking individuals with language skills to communicate with international clients or work in international teams. In addition, being able to speak another language is also a competitive advantage when it comes to traveling and studying abroad.

Finally, learning a foreign language can also have (some) cognitive benefits. It has been shown to improve memory, increase creativity, and delay the onset of age-related mental decline. Furthermore, it can also increase your self-confidence and enhance your problem-solving skills.

In conclusion, learning a foreign language is more than just a tool for communication. It is a path to personal growth, social and cultural enrichment, and professional advancement. Whether it is for personal fulfillment or career advancement, the benefits of learning a foreign language are undeniable.

(231 words)

Other shorter versions (around 100 words) that we could write about the same topic are the following:

(Version 1)

Learning a foreign language is an important and valuable experience because it broadens one’s cultural understanding (knowledge/ appreciation), opens up new career opportunities, and has cognitive benefits.

First, speaking another language allows for communication with people from different backgrounds, leading to greater appreciation and respect for different cultures.

Second, in today’s globalized world, being bilingual or multilingual is a sought-after (in-demand/desirable/highly valued) skill by employers.

Additionally, learning a foreign language has been shown to improve memory, increase creativity, and delay age-related mental decline.

Overall, the benefits of learning a foreign language make it a worthwhile (useful/ beneficial/ priceless/ it worth…) investment (…the effort) for personal and professional growth.

(Version 2)

Learning a foreign language opens doors to new job opportunities and provides personal benefits in terms of intellectual growth.

Firstly, speaking another language is a valuable skill in today’s globalized world, making individuals more attractive to employers and increasing earning potential.

Furthermore, studies have shown that learning a foreign language has numerous cognitive benefits, including improved memory and increased creativity.

In conclusion, the ability to speak a foreign language is a valuable asset that should not be overlooked. The benefits it offers in terms of career advancement, and personal growth make it a worthwhile investment. It is an opportunity to broaden one’s horizons and enhance one’s life.

(Version 3)

The ability to speak a foreign language has become increasingly important in today’s interconnected world. Learning a new language opens doors to new cultures and new job opportunities.

Firstly, from a cultural perspective, speaking a foreign language allows for deeper connections and understanding with people from different backgrounds. It also enhances one’s appreciation and respect for diverse cultures.

Secondly, in a professional setting, the ability to speak another language can be a valuable asset, making individuals more attractive to employers and increasing earning potential.

In conclusion, the value of this skill extends far beyond simple communication and might have a profound impact on one’s social and professional life.

Option B. Write an essay on the advantages and disadvantages of moving to another country.

Moving to another country can be a life-changing experience, but it also comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

On the positive side, relocating to a new country can offer new opportunities for personal and professional growth. It can be an exciting chance to immerse oneself in a different culture, learn a new language, and make new friends. Moving abroad can also provide access to a better quality of life, including better healthcare, education, and job prospects.

However, there are also several downsides to moving to another country. Adapting to a new culture and way of life can be difficult, especially if the language and customs are very different from one’s own. Homesickness and loneliness are also common experiences for people who move abroad, especially if they leave behind close friends and family.

In addition, moving to another country can also be expensive, with costs ranging from housing and transportation to immigration and legal fees. There may also be difficulties in finding employment, especially if the job market in the new country is highly competitive.

To sum up, moving to another country can be a thrilling and rewarding experience, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. Before making the decision to relocate, it is important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages and weigh them against one’s own individual needs and goals.

(226 words)

Other shorter versions (around 100 words) that we could write about the same topic are the following:

(Version 1)

Relocating to another country offers new opportunities and positive challenges. However, before taking the step we must consider also its disadvantages.

On one hand, it offers personal and professional growth and exposure to different cultures. It is clearly a chance to improve the quality of life.

In contrast, at the same time, adapting to new cultures and ways of life can be difficult, and homesickness and loneliness are common experiences. Additionally, moving abroad can be expensive, and finding employment may be difficult in a competitive job market.

Ultimately, the decision to move should be based on careful consideration of personal needs and goals and environmental conditions related to the characteristics of the country where we plan to move and its job market scenario.

(Version 2)

Relocating to another country has both benefits and drawbacks. From one point of view, it can be motivating; from another point of view, it can be difficult and frustrating.

On the one hand, it offers exposure to diverse cultures and opportunities for personal growth, including learning a new language, making new friends, and improving quality of life.

However, at the same time, it also presents challenges, such as difficulty in adapting to a new culture and way of life, and navigating a foreign language and legal system. Besides these difficulties, it can be expensive, with costs including housing, transportation, and immigration fees, and there may be difficulty in finding employment.

Overall, moving abroad requires careful consideration of both the personal advantages and the possible socio-economic disadvantages, as well as a thorough understanding of one’s own goals and priorities.

(Version 3)

Moving to another country is a personal decision that involves weighing the emotional and practical benefits against some drawbacks such as sad feelings or strong economical decisions.

On the positive side, relocating can offer a chance to experience new cultures, make new friends, and learn a new language, all of which can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

However, it can also bring feelings of homesickness, loneliness, and culture shock. Additionally, adapting to a new environment and lifestyle can be challenging, and the cost of living and expenses associated with moving can also be substantial.

Ultimately, the decision to move to another country should be based on careful consideration of personal and emotional preferences, as well as a thorough understanding of the potential social benefits as well as some personal, subjective, challenges.

Option C. Write an opinion essay on the environmental problems you consider most important and what can we do to reduce or to eradicate them.

Environmental problems are a pressing issue in today’s world, and there are several that are particularly important. Climate change, deforestation, and pollution are some of the biggest environmental problems that we are facing today.

Climate change is a result of human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and land use changes. The effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels, more frequent and intense natural disasters, and changes in weather patterns, are already being felt across the world. To reduce the impact of climate change, we must reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and transition to clean, renewable energy sources.

Deforestation is another major environmental problem, as it destroys natural habitats, contributes to climate change, and results in soil erosion and decreased biodiversity. To reduce deforestation, we must protect and conserve remaining forests, promote sustainable forest management practices, and reduce demand for products that contribute to deforestation.

Pollution is also a serious environmental issue that has far-reaching impacts on both the environment and human health. To reduce pollution, we must implement measures to minimize waste, adopt cleaner production processes, and promote recycling and reusing of materials.

In conclusion, environmental problems are critical issues that demand our immediate attention. By taking action to reduce and eradicate these problems, we can work to protect our planet and ensure a healthy and sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

(230 words)

Other shorter versions (around 100 words) that we could write about the same topic are the following:

(Version 1)

Environmental problems are a significant concern and require attention. If we do not address them, the effects will only worsen. The most pressing problems include climate change, deforestation, and pollution.

If we want to reduce the impact of climate change, we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions and switch to clean energy sources.

To decrease deforestation, protecting forests and reducing demand for deforestation-causing products is essential.

To minimize pollution, reducing waste and promoting recycling can be helpful.

In conclusion, if we take action with a reduction of the impact of climate change, a diminution of deforestation, and a minimization of pollution, we can create a healthy and sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come.

(Version 2)

Environmental problems are a significant concern and require urgent attention. If they had been addressed earlier, the current situation might not be as severe. The most pressing problems include climate change, deforestation, and pollution.

If measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to clean energy sources had been taken in the past, the impact of climate change would have been less severe (destructive/ violent/ intense).

If forests had been protected and the demand for deforestation-causing products reduced, deforestation would not have been as rampant (uncontrolled/ excessive/ extreme).

If waste reduction and recycling had been emphasized, pollution levels would not have reached their current state.

Finally, it is reasonable to conclude that we face a problem that is likely to become worse over time. However, it is never too late to take action and create a healthier and more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

(Version 3)

Environmental issues are a critical concern that must be addressed. Climate change, deforestation, and pollution are among the most pressing problems. What can we do to combat them?

To address climate change, we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to clean energy. To reduce deforestation, we must protect forests and reduce the demand for products that contribute to deforestation. To reduce pollution, we must minimize waste and promote recycling.

Ultimately, taking action to reduce and eradicate these problems will help ensure a healthy and sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

Option D. Write an informal letter to your boyfriend or girlfriend telling him or her that you want to break up your relationship. Give him/her the reasons why but make clear that’s not because there’s someone else.

(Version 1)

Dear Kai Li,

I hope this letter finds you well. I’ve been struggling with this decision for some time now, and I’ve finally realized that it’s best if we go our separate ways.

I want to make it clear that this is not because of anyone else, but because I have come to the conclusion that we are not right for each other. Our differences have become more apparent to me, and I feel like we have grown apart.

I know that this may come as a surprise, but I truly believe that it is the best decision for both of us. I will always cherish the memories we made together and I hope that we can part on good terms.

I’m truly sorry for any pain or hurt this may cause, but I believe it is for the best. If you’d like to discuss this further, I’m happy to talk it out.

Take care,

(Version 2)

Dear Lucy,

Hope you’re doing well. So, I’ve been thinking a lot lately and I’ve realized that ending things between us might be the way to go.

I want to emphasize that this decision is not influenced by anyone else, but solely based on our relationship as a couple. Lately, I’ve realized that our differences have become more pronounced and we seem to be growing apart. (Recently, I’ve understood/ noticed/ caught that our differences are becoming more pronounced and we’re starting to drift apart)

Sorry if this comes as a shock, but I truly believe it’s the best decision for both of us. I’ll always hold onto the good times we shared and I hope we can part on friendly terms.

I deeply regret if my decision causes any discomfort or hurt, however, I firmly believe it is the best option. If you would like to have a conversation about this, I am open to it.

Take care,