Listening Trump Inaugural Address

Listening Practice: Donald J. Trump’s Inaugural Address

Hi there! In this section, you’ll find the audio of Donald J. Trump’s Inaugural Address, delivered on Monday, 20th January. This is an excellent opportunity to practise your listening skills with a piece of real, current English that’s full of interesting vocabulary and expressions.

You’ll also find comprehension questions below, carefully timed to match the exact minute in the speech where you can find the answers. This way, you can follow along, challenge yourself, and see how much you understand.

Just to be clear, this isn’t about supporting or criticising anyone’s politics—it’s simply a chance to engage with a speech that’s part of recent history. So, grab your headphones, focus on the audio, and have a go at answering the questions. You’re doing great—keep it up!

Listen carefully to the speech and answer the following questions based on what you hear.

For your health and others’ comfort, play this audio responsibly.
