Writing 2022

Exam of the year 2022. 4 options are available:

Option A. Write down an opinion essay on how social media has connected and disconnected people at the same time.

Option B. Write down a fictional dialogue between one person that has traveled to space and his/her family and friends, after his/her spaceflight…

Option C. Write a descriptive essay on how you imagine the interaction between humans and robots and their roles in society in the next century: which jobs will be carried out by robots? Will robots be a danger for to human beings? Do you think robots will have feelings and morality?

Option D. Write an opinion essay on which aspects should change in our legal system to improve it: can the current legal system meet the needs that citizens face in their everyday life? Do we need more lawyers? Give reasons for your answers.

Option A. Write down an opinion essay on how social media has connected and disconnected people at the same time.

Social media has undeniably had a profound impact on the way we interact with each other. On one hand, it has connected people from all over the world, enabling us to communicate with ease and build relationships with people we may have never met otherwise. Social media platforms have also given a voice to marginalized groups and created a sense of community for people who may have felt isolated in their offline lives.

On the other hand, however, social media has also disconnected us in some ways. It has led to the rise of cyberbullying and online harassment and has made it easier for people to hide behind anonymity and say hurtful things without accountability. The constant need to present a curated version of our lives on social media can also lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem for some users, who may compare their «behind the scenes» reality to the highlight reels of others.

Additionally, social media has also been criticized for its impact on our attention spans and ability to focus, as well as for the way it encourages us to present filtered and edited versions of ourselves to the world. This can lead to feelings of disconnection from our true selves and from those around us, as well as a sense that we are not truly «in the moment» when we are interacting with others online.

In conclusion, social media has certainly connected people in many ways, but it has also disconnected us in some ways. It is important to be aware of the potential negative effects of social media use and to use it in a way that is healthy and balanced. We should strive to use social media as a tool to enhance our offline relationships, rather than replace them, and to be mindful of the way it affects our emotions and well-being.

( 309 words)

Other shorter versions (around 100 words) that we could write about the same topic are the following:

(Version 1)

It is certainly true that social media has both connected and disconnected people in many ways.

On the one hand, it has made it easier to communicate with people from all over the world and to form new friendships and relationships.

However,/On the other hand,/On the flip side, the constant bombardment of information and pressure to present a perfect image can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Additionally, social media has led to a decline in face-to-face communication and has made people more reliant on technology to communicate, which can have negative effects on relationships.

Finally, it is important to use social media in moderation/within reason/within limits and to strive for balance in our online and offline lives.

(Version 2)

Social media has become a powerful tool for connecting people from all over the world, but it also has its downsides.

On the one hand, it allows us to stay in touch with friends and family, and to form new connections with people who share our interests.

Nevertheless/However/Conversely/On the contrary, the constant stream of information and the pressure to present a perfect image can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Additionally, social media can also lead to a decline in face-to-face communication and relationships, as people become more reliant on technology to connect with others.

Overall, while social media has its benefits, it’s important to use it in moderation/within bounds and to strive for/to aim for/to search for balance in our online and offline interactions.

(Version 3)

At this time of our century, everybody knows that, If used in moderation, social media can be a powerful tool for connecting people from all over the world.

Firstly (At first, First of all), it allows us to stay in touch with friends and family, and to form new connections with people who share our interests.

However, if overused, the constant stream of information and pressure to present a perfect image can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Additionally, If individuals become excessively dependent on technology for social interactions/if people become too reliant on technology to connect with others, social media can also lead to a decline in face-to-face communication and relationships.

All in all/ Overall/ In general/ In conclusion, while social media can have its benefits, it is important to use it in moderation/moderately and to strive for/to pursue/to seek balance in our online and offline interactions.

Option B. Write down a fictional dialogue between one person that has traveled to space and his/her family and friends, after his/her spaceflight…

Person: «Hey, everyone! I’m back from my spaceflight!»

Friend 1: «Welcome back! How was it? Did you see any aliens?»

Person: «It was amazing/incredible! The view of Earth from space was breathtaking/astonishing. Unfortunately/Sadly, I didn’t see any aliens, but I did see some incredible things like the aurora borealis and the curvature of the Earth.»

Family member: «I can’t believe you went to space! Did you feel any different when you came back?»

Person: «I did feel different. Being in space changed my perspective on life and the world. It made me realize how small we are in the grand scheme of things, but it also made me appreciate the beauty and fragility of our planet.»

Friend 2: «I assume you are pleased to be back on Earth.»

Person: «Of course, I missed my family and friends and the comfort of home. But I will always treasure the experience of being in space and the memories I made.»

Family member: «We are so proud of you. We can’t wait to hear more about your journey and see your pictures and videos.»

Person: «I can’t wait to share it all with you. It was truly an unforgettable experience.»

Option B (alternative). Write down a fictional dialogue between one person that has traveled to MARS and his/her family and friends, after his/her spaceflight…

Person: «Hey, everyone! I’m back from my trip to Mars!»

Friend 1: «Welcome back! How was it? Did you find any signs of life?»

Person: «It was an incredible experience, unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. The landscape of Mars is so different from Earth, and it was a humbling experience to be the first human to set foot on the red planet. Unfortunately, we didn’t find any signs of life, but we did collect a lot of valuable data and samples that will help us understand more about the planet.»

Family member: «I can’t believe you went to Mars! Did you feel any different when you came back?»

Person: «It was definitely a challenging experience, both physically and mentally. But I feel incredibly accomplished and proud to be a part of this historic mission. I also realize how much more we have yet to discover and explore in our universe.»

Friend 2: «I bet you’re glad to be back on Earth though, right?»

Person: «I certainly longed for the company of my loved ones and the familiar amenities/conveniences/comfort/benefits of my residence. But I will always treasure the experience of being on Mars, and the knowledge I gained. / But I will always cherish the experience of being on Mars and the knowledge I acquired as a result. /But the experience of being on Mars will always hold a special place in my heart. It’s a trip of a lifetime.»

Family member: «We are incredibly proud of you. We are eager to see your photographs and videos.»

Person: «I am eager to share my experience with you as it was truly unforgettable/a once-in-a-lifetime event.»

Option B (alternative). Write down a fictional dialogue between one person that has traveled to the MOON and his/her family and friends, after his/her spaceflight…

Person: «Hey, everyone! I’m back from my trip to the Moon!»

Friend 1: «Welcome back! How was it? What did you see?»

Person: «It was amazing! The view of Earth from the Moon was breathtaking. The lunar surface is so different from what I ever imagined, it’s all rocky and dusty, but it was so beautiful. I also had the chance to walk on the surface, it was an incredible feeling.»

Family member: «I can’t believe you went to the Moon! Did you feel any different when you came back?»

Person: «It was definitely a surreal experience. I feel incredibly lucky to have had the opportunity to visit such a unique place, and it has changed my perspective on our planet and on the world. I also realize how much more we have yet to discover and explore.»

Friend 2: «I bet you’re glad to be back on Earth though, right?»

Person: «Of course, I missed my family and friends and the comforts of home. Despite that, the time I spent on the Moon will always hold a special place in my heart /the knowledge I acquired will always be invaluable to me. It’s a trip of a lifetime.»

Family member: «We are so proud of you. We can’t wait to hear more about your journey and see your pictures and videos.»

Person: «I can’t wait to share it all with you. It was truly an unforgettable experience.» / «I took a lot of pictures and videos, but nothing can compare to the feeling of being on the moon, it’s (it was) just indescribable/undefinable/inexpressible/sublime.»

Option C. Write a descriptive essay on how you imagine the interaction between humans and robots and their roles in society in the next century: which jobs will be carried out by robots? Will robots be a danger for to human beings? Do you think robots will have feelings and morality?

In the next century, the interaction between humans and robots is likely to become increasingly prevalent and diverse. As technology advances, robots will likely play an increasingly important role in society, taking on a wide range of jobs that are currently performed by humans. These jobs may include tasks in manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and even education. As robots become more sophisticated, they will be able to perform tasks that are currently considered too dangerous or difficult for humans, such as working in hazardous environments or performing surgery.

However, the increasing presence of robots in society also raises concerns about their potential impact on human beings. Some experts worry that robots could take away jobs from humans, leading to mass unemployment and economic disruption. Others fear that robots could become a danger to human beings if they are programmed to act in harmful ways, such as through the use of autonomous weapons.

Despite these concerns, many experts believe that robots will play a positive role in society. They will be able to perform tasks that are too difficult or dangerous for humans and will be able to work around the clock without getting tired. They will also be able to perform tasks that require precision, such as in manufacturing, which will increase efficiency and productivity.

As for feelings and morality, it’s unlikely for robots to have feelings like human emotions, but they could be programmed to make moral decisions based on certain rules or principles. For example, a robot designed to provide medical care could be programmed to prioritize the well-being of its patients above all else.

In conclusion, the interaction between humans and robots in the next century is likely to be complex and multifaceted. While robots will undoubtedly play an important role in society, it is important that we consider the potential impacts of their increasing presence and take steps to mitigate any negative effects.

(316 words)

Other shorter versions (around 100 words) that we could write about the same topic are the following:

(Version 1)

In the next century, robots will likely take on an increasing number of jobs currently done by humans, such as manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and education.

The upcoming new tech machines will be able to work in hazardous environments and perform tasks that are too dangerous or difficult for humans.

However, there are also concerns that robots will take jobs away from humans and potentially become a danger to them. It is unlikely that robots will have feelings like human emotions, but they could be programmed to make moral decisions based on certain rules or principles.

Given these points, humans and robots will have a complex and diverse relationship that will need to be thoughtfully evaluated.

(Version 2)

In the future, it is probable that robots will assume a growing number of tasks that are currently performed by people, such as manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and education.

Robots will be able to operate in risky conditions and complete tasks that would be too dangerous or challenging for humans.

Despite the increasing presence of robots in society, I don’t believe they will be a danger to human beings as they will be programmed to follow safety protocols. Furthermore, I think that robots will have feelings and morality, as they will be equipped with sophisticated artificial intelligence systems that will allow them to understand and respond to human emotions and moral principles.

In light of this information, the interaction between humans and robots will be complex and multifaceted and will require careful consideration.

(Version 3)

As we move into the next century, it is expected that robots will increasingly replace human workers in a growing number of job positions, such as manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and education.

Robots will be able to function in environments that are unsafe for humans and carry out activities that humans find too dangerous or challenging.

However, I believe that robots could be a danger to human beings if they are programmed incorrectly or malfunction. They will not have feelings or morality, as they are machines and do not possess consciousness. They will follow the instructions given to them by their programmers, and it is important that such instructions align with ethical principles.

Clearly, the interaction between humans and robots will be complex and multifaceted and will require careful consideration to guarantee the safety of all parties involved.

Option D. Write an opinion essay on which aspects should change in our legal system to improve it: can the current legal system meet the needs that citizens face in their everyday life? Do we need more lawyers? Give reasons for your answers.

The legal system is an important aspect of society that helps ensure justice and protect citizens’ rights. However, it is not perfect and there are certain areas that could be improved to better meet the needs of citizens in their everyday lives.

One aspect that should change is the accessibility of the legal system. The legal process can be complex and confusing, and many citizens do not have the resources or knowledge to navigate it effectively. This can result in individuals not receiving the justice they deserve. To improve accessibility, the legal system should provide more resources and education for citizens to better understand the process, and provide more pro bono legal services* for low-income individuals.

Another aspect that should change is the speed of the legal process. The legal system can be slow and it can take years for a case to be resolved. This can be frustrating for citizens and can result in them losing faith in the system. To improve speed, the legal system should invest in technology and other resources to streamline the process and provide more resources to the courts to help them handle cases more efficiently.

Lastly, there is a debate about whether or not we need more lawyers. Some argue that there are already too many lawyers and that the market is oversaturated. Others argue that we need more lawyers to help ensure that everyone has access to legal representation. I believe that we need more lawyers, specifically those who are willing to work pro bono, to help ensure that everyone has access to legal representation, regardless of their income.

In conclusion, the legal system is an important aspect of society, but it is not perfect. To improve the legal system, it is important to make it more accessible and faster and provide more resources for citizens to understand it better. Additionally, providing more pro bono legal services will help ensure that everyone has access to legal representation.

(324 words)

*Pro bono legal services. Pro bono is a Latin phrase that means «for the public good.» In the legal profession, it refers to the practice of providing legal services to individuals or organizations without charge, or at a reduced fee. Pro bono work is typically done by lawyers who volunteer their time and expertise to help those who cannot afford to pay for legal services. This can include providing legal representation to low-income individuals, providing legal advice to non-profit organizations, or participating in community legal clinics. The goal of pro bono work is to ensure that everyone has access to legal representation, regardless of their income.

Other shorter versions (around 100 words) that we could write about the same topic are the following:

(Version 1)

The legal system is crucial in ensuring justice and protecting citizens’ rights. However, it can be complex and slow, and not accessible for many citizens.

To improve the legal system, we should focus on making it more accessible, and faster and providing more resources for citizens. Additionally, providing more pro bono legal services can help ensure that everyone has access to legal representation.

In addition, more lawyers are needed, specifically those willing to work pro bono, to help bridge the gap of accessibility for lower-income individuals.

In conclusion, the legal system should be updated to better meet the needs of citizens in their everyday lives.

(Version 2)

The legal system is crucial in ensuring justice and protecting citizens’ rights. However, it can be complex and slow, and not accessible for many citizens.

To improve it, the legal system should focus on making it more accessible, and faster and providing more resources for citizens. An example of this would be providing online resources and virtual legal assistance for citizens to access legal information and representation.

Additionally, providing more pro bono legal services can help ensure that everyone has access to legal representation.

To come to conclusion, more lawyers are needed, specifically those willing to work pro bono, to help bridge the gap of accessibility for lower-income individuals.

(Version 3)

The current legal system is not meeting the needs of citizens in their everyday lives.

One of the reasons is that it can be complex and confusing, and many citizens do not have the resources or knowledge to navigate it effectively. Additionally, the legal process can be slow and it can take years for a case to be resolved.

The solution is not the need for more lawyers but rather making the legal system more accessible and user-friendly. This can be achieved by providing more resources and education for citizens to better understand the process, and by investing in technology and other resources to streamline the process.

Consequently, all these measures will help ensure that citizens receive the justice they deserve in a timely and efficient manner.

(Version 4)

The current legal system is not meeting the needs of citizens in their everyday life.

The complex and confusing nature of the legal process, as well as its slow resolution, can leave citizens without the justice they deserve. If more lawyers were available, specifically those willing to work pro bono, they could help bridge the gap of accessibility for lower-income individuals.

However, it’s important to note that it is not just the number of lawyers but the way the legal system is designed, and the way it is being implemented that also needs to change.

Therefore/In conclusion, the solution could be more lawyers, but it should be accompanied by other measures such as providing more resources and education for citizens and investing in technology and other resources to streamline the process.